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Toni Firmani

Raja Ampat; the last existing Paradise

Tips and Tricks for visiting this most precious paradise.

Lets start with the Packing List  for Raja Ampat.

When I say Raja Ampat is Rural, I truly mean it. When you get to your homestay or resort there is nothing else, other than more accommodation on the island. No restaurants, shops, pharmacies or atm's. You need to be super prepared for everything!

Packing List

🧜‍♀️ Suncream, reef friendly if you can find. (lots!!! I used more than usual because you are always in the water A, and B you are super close to the ozone hole so the UV is always Extreme)

🧜‍♀️ Electrolyte Sachets for those long days in the sun

🧜‍♀️ Charcoal tablets incase your stomach battles with the food

🧜‍♀️ Mosquito repellant (they have malaria)

🧜‍♀️ Coconut Oil! Trust me on this one. It's good for your hair to keep it from breaking from being in the Salt water 24/7 and is really good for dry skin and bug repellant weirdly enough.

🧜‍♀️ Leave in Conditioner. The island uses brackish water in the showers and mandis. This destroys your hair. I wish I had brought this so badly!

🧜‍♀️ Enough cash!!!! Everyone uses cash! Only some dive resorts have card facilities and there isn't always enough signal for the machine to work. Message you bank before and tell them you will be drawing a large amount of cash on your day of arrival. I drew money in Jakarta when I landed and I'm super grateful because the atm in Sorong had no money left.

🧜‍♀️ First aid and medical kit. Headache tablets, Antihistamine Creams, Antibacterial Creams, plasters and EARDROPS! Trust me on this one. Everyone got some sort of ear infection. The water isn't dirty but it is so natural there are lots of little planktons that go in your ear when you dive and snorkel. If you don't rinse your ears after each time you are in the water, tadaaaaa, ear issues are like SURPRISE! ✌️

🧜‍♀️ Snorkel Kit. They are expensive to hire and you use it all day every day!

🧜‍♀️ You never know what kind of food your homestay will give you, and as its all inclusive, you don't have another option. Bring some small snacks to save yourself from days you can't bare dry fish and rice anymore. You'll thank me later

🧜‍♀️ Bikinis and costumes

🧜‍♀️ A towel for showering and one for swimming. Alot of places don't cater these.

🧜‍♀️ A water bottle is essential. Water refill are available everywhere but you need your own bottle

🧜‍♀️ Go Pro! The sea life is unreal

🧜‍♀️ Charging bank if you use your phone alot. Most places only give you electricity from 6pm to 6am. So make sure you charge everything at night.

🧜‍♀️ A telkomsel sim card at the airport. Its the only company that works in Raja Ampat, and don't expect good signal. You are in paradise, look at the view.

I stayed the islands Kri and Mansaur. We did day trips from here to Arborek and Pianemo. Arborek is the base of most people as it is right next to all the Manta Spots, and it is much closer to Pianemo, the island famous for its gorgeous lagoons and Rockcliffs. It is usually pretty busy, and the whole island is sand, so it is super hot and dry. I prefered the more jungle style islands.


Sandy Island of Arborek. Island closest to Manta Ridge, Manta Slope and Manta Sandy.

Kri is a small island filled with homestays and is really good to meet more people if you are alone or that's your vibe. I stayed at Mambetron and Junior Homestays which were both lovely. One on the beach with a private bathroom, and the other on the water but with a shared bathroom. Most places are like this. On Mansaur, I stayed at Nyande and it was by far my favourite! The coral reef infront of the homestay is the best I have ever seen in my life. Andy runs it, and wow does he do an amazing job! Definitely the most western, well run out of all of them. (Good food, 24/7 electricity, running water etc). And no, these are not basics. Raja Ampat is pretty expensive for the quality you get. What you are actually paying for, is the pristine level of the environment around you. Trust me, you will not mind when you get here. Its so rustic and basic but super lush at the same time (think overwater Maldives Bungalow vibes).


Nyande Homestay on Mansaur

Junior Homestay. Over water bungalows.

Things to do from Kri Island.

Aside from the obvious snorkeling and diving, which is what most people come here for, there are multiple other trips you can take on or close to the island.

You can hike up to the view point and see the gorgeous views of Kri and Mansaur. Its quite a strong incline but only takes about 30 minutes. Wear proper shoes and take water with you!!

You can take a short boat trip to Cape Kri. There is amazing Snorkelling, a bat island and an incredible Maldivian looking Sandbank when the tide is low.

Another good trip when it's low tide, is to walk across the sandbanks and mangroves to Yenbuba Village. This is a traditional local village and is absolutely so beautiful and pristine. Remember to cover up when you visit as respect to the locals who are very Christian.

Cape Kri Sandbank. A short boat trip. Organise a snorkel and the sandbank visit with your homestay

At low tide, you can walk across from Kri to Mansaur to Yenbuba Village.

Other islands to visit are Gam, Fam, Batanta, Wayak and Misool. This are the most famous ones, there are so many island around and in-between them too.

Just remember, the boats are super pricey. This is why I only stayed on 2 islands next to one another, and did boat trips with shared groups, to split the cost of the boat. You just need to chat to the people staying at your homestay and plan a trip together, and organise the boat and your lunch through your homestay.

How to get there? There are direct flights to Sorong from Jakarta. Its take 4 hours, Sorong is 2 hours ahead of Jarkarta. From Bali, there will be either a flight to Jakarta or Makassar, and then then another leg to Sorong.

Once you are in Sorong, you take a 10 minute taxi to the port. (Should cost you Rp100 000). There are 2 ferries a day to Wassai on the island of Wageo. One at 9am and one at 2pm. Same for the returns. This is a 2 hour ferry.

When you get to Wassai, they will ask you to pay Rp 300 000 for the National Park Fee. From here you should have organised your homestay to come fetch you via a small boat which will take you straight to your accommodation. It depends where you are going. Kri was Rp700 000 and Mansaur Rp1M. Super pricey for a 45/50 minute trip.

They use Indonesian Rupiah there. 100 000 is about 5.5 euro or R110 for my SAffas.

Please respect the environment. DONT EVER TOUCH ANYTHING! Imagine a giant came and touched you, I'm pretty sure you would be pretty mad. Don't take anything, stand on anything (everything is alive). I have never seen thriving coral and sea life like this. Its the one place we haven't destroyed. Let's keep it that way. When you touch plants and animals, you could land up killing them with the bacteria you have given them from our hands that they aren't used to. Keep your distance, try not to startle the animals. Most of the animals are still pretty tame to humans because they don't see us as a threat. The locals have huge respect for them and have learned to live in balance with them. We could learn some huge lessons here.

Some extra information. Look up in the trees in the evening for the Cuscus Bear. Look for the endemic Walking Sharks at low tide. And wake up early for a trip to see the birds of paradise dancing for their hopeful mates. We saw a huge array of wild birdlife when we were there without even trying. It is simply an oasis of nature at its best.

Walking Shark

Cuscus Bear

I would need another whole blog for diving photos. It's not called the last paradise on earth for nothing.

Mostly, take a break. Switch your phone off and enjoy the beauty around you.  Everywhere you look seems unreal. Something out of a movie on a green screen. Take it in. Relax, play, interact. Have fun. Be a child. Do some yoga. Read Books. Dive, snorkel, hike. Get in touch with nature again. I was there for 2 weeks. Most of my friends asked me what I would do for 2 weeks with nothing to do. Trust me, you have to force yourself to relax because there is so much to see and experience.

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